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今の競争の激しいのIT業界の中にGenesys GE0-803認定試験に合格して、自分の社会地位を高めることができます。弊社のIT業で経験豊富な専門家たちが正確で、合理的なGenesys GE0-803「Genesys Certified Professional 8 System Consultant, Voice Platform (GCP8 - CVP)」認証問題集を作り上げました。 弊社の勉強の商品を選んで、多くの時間とエネルギーを節約こともできます。

試験科目:「Genesys Certified Professional 8 System Consultant, Voice Platform (GCP8 - CVP)」
問題と解答:全122問 GE0-803 勉強方法


IT認定試験の中でどんな試験を受けても、Pass4TestのGE0-803試験参考資料はあなたに大きなヘルプを与えることができます。それは Pass4TestのGE0-803問題集には実際の試験に出題される可能性がある問題をすべて含んでいて、しかもあなたをよりよく問題を理解させるように詳しい解析を与えますから。真剣にPass4TestのGenesys GE0-803問題集を勉強する限り、受験したい試験に楽に合格することができるということです。

NO.1 Which of the following MRCP speech vendors does GVP support?
A. IBM Websphere Voice Server (WVS)
B. Asterisk
C. Microsoft
D. Linux
Answer: A

Genesys GE0-803出題範囲 GE0-803 GE0-803目的 GE0-803研修

NO.2 Which of the following content should be considered for caching?
A. Active Server Pages
B. Vox files
C. Java Server Pages
D. Java Beans
Answer: B

Genesys種類 GE0-803英語版 GE0-803試合 GE0-803市販本

NO.3 Prior to installing the VCS software, which of the following must be installed on the computer
hosts the VCS?
A. Dialogic software
B. IVR Server
C. SIP Switch
D. Voice Application Reporter
Answer: A

Genesys受験料 GE0-803解答例 GE0-803特典 GE0-803ソリューション GE0-803バージョン GE0-803おすすめ

NO.4 In most deployment options, the IVR Server Client or Genesys Queue Adapater (GQA) resides
on the __________.
A. IP Communications Server
B. Element Management Provisioning System
C. Web Server
D. Configuration Server
Answer: A

Genesys受験 GE0-803試合 試験番号 GE0-803 GE0-803受験記対策 GE0-803テスト

NO.5 The Voice Application Reporter (VAR) requires __________.
A. A client installed on the VCS
B. An application to reside on the VAR Server
C. A Microsoft SQL Server
D. An abandoned threshold to be set up in the Application Profile in the EMPS
Answer: C

Genesysトレーニング GE0-803 GE0-803過去問 GE0-803資格問題集 GE0-803模試

NO.6 Which are the typical components of a VOIP SIP solution?
A. IP Communication Server, Telephony Board, and CTI-Link
B. Voice Communications Server, Media Gateway, and IP Communication Manager
C. IP Communication Server, SIP Session or H.323 Session Manager, Resource Manager, and
Polyhedra database
D. IP Communication Manager, Media Gateway and Telephony Board
Answer: C

Genesys日本語 GE0-803 GE0-803短期 GE0-803アクセスリスト

NO.7 Is it necessary to declare and configure IVR-TServer in CME when the IVR is in a Behind
configuration? Choose the best statement.
A. It is not necessary to declare it in CME
B. It must be declared to configure the IVR Server options (gli_server_group_1, IServer et
C. It must be declared because it is a part of IVR Server. But it have not to be configured
Answer: B

Genesys試験問題集 GE0-803 GE0-803エンジン GE0-803返金

NO.8 Which of the following third-party products must be installed on any host where EMPS will be
accessed via a browser?
A. Java SDK
B. MS XML Parser
C. Java Runtime Environment (JRE)
D. SQL Client Libraries
Answer: C

Genesys資格取得 GE0-803取得 GE0-803成果物 GE0-803市販本

Pass4Testは最新のP6040-014試験問題集と高品質のC2070-587認定試験の問題と回答を提供します。Pass4Testの1z0-425 VCEテストエンジンとP2070-048試験ガイドはあなたが一回で試験に合格するのを助けることができます。高品質のMB5-705トレーニング教材は、あなたがより迅速かつ簡単に試験に合格することを100%保証します。試験に合格して認証資格を取るのはそのような簡単なことです。


Posted by pass4test at 10:04Comments(0)Genesys


Genesys GE0-807認定試験に対する効率のあがる勉強法

Exam Study Guide
Genesys Certified Professional 8 System Consultant, Genesys SIP SERVER(GCP8 - SIP)
Exam Code: GE0-807
Product Supported: This exam supports Genesys SIP Server software version 8.04. Candidates
using an earlier version of SIP Server are advised to contact their local Genesys
Training Center: before registering for this exam.
Type of Exam Multiple: choice and multiple select questions
Certification Level: Professional level
Length: 80 questions (80 points possible)
Passing Score: 70% correct (56 points = 70%)
Exam Language: English-only
Timing : GE0-807: The exam is timed for 100 minutes.
GE0-807e: The exam is timed for 120 minutes for non-English speaking candidates




同じ目的を達成するためにいろいろな方法があって、多くの人がいい仕事とすばらしい生活を人生の目的にしています。Pass4Testが提供した研修ツールはGenesysのGE0-807の認定試験に向けて学習資料やシミュレーション訓練宿題で、重要なのは試験に近い練習問題と解答を提供いたします。Pass4Test を選ばれば短時間にITの知識を身につけることができて、高い点数をとられます。


試験科目:「System Consultant, Genesys SIP SERVER (GCP8 - SIP)」
問題と解答:全80問 GE0-807 全真問題集



NO.1 Which protocol is SIP Server using in communication with Media Server?
A. CTI protocol
B. T-Lib
D. H.323
E. voice XML
Answer: D

Genesys教育資料 GE0-807トレーニング資料 GE0-807番号 GE0-807開発入門 GE0-807試験対策
Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_SIP_software

NO.2 Which of the following are valid parameters of the Announcement Treatment? (Choose 2
A. Language
C. Music_DN
D. Duration
Answer: A,B

Genesys日本語 GE0-807初心者 GE0-807パッケージ
ce/protocol/docfiles/TLib%20Datatypes/TTreatmentType.html (See the value pairs for treatment text
to speech).

NO.3 What is the meaning of the option 'sip-port' in the Tserver" section in 'options' tab of the SIP
A. It is the port used by SIP Server to communicate with other T-lib clients such as URS, StatServer,
B. It is the port used by SIP Server to communicate with other SIP devices such as Media Server, SIP
Endpoints, Gateways etc. using SIP signaling only
C. It is the port used by SIP Server to communicate using SNMP protocol with a NMS software
D. It is the port used by SIP Server to communicate with other SIP devices such as Media Server, SIP
Endpoints, gateways etc. using RTP/RTCP protocol
E. It is the port used by SIP Server to communicate with other SIP devices such as Media Server, SIP
F. Gateways etc. using both RTP/RTCP protocol and SIP signaling.
Answer: A

Genesys勉強法 GE0-807学習 GE0-807日本語サンプル

NO.4 Which statements are correct? (Choose 2 answers)
A. It is possible to deploy a combination of standard TDM PBX(s) and sip server(s).
B. Genesys SIP server is capable of processing SIP signing and RTP/RTCP streams as well.
C. Customers who have a legacy PBX deployed and want to deploy Genesys SIP Server have to
dismantle their legacy infrastructure.
D. SIP Server supports the exchange of early media before a particular session is accepted.
Answer: B,D

Genesys模試エンジン GE0-807正確率 GE0-807模擬試験 GE0-807日記 GE0-807パッケージ

NO.5 Which statement is correct?
A. Each SIP-capable endpoint can be used in 3PCC, but not IPCC.
B. SIP Server supports both 1PCC and 3PCC.
Answer: B

Genesys過去問 GE0-807一発合格 GE0-807復習問題集

NO.6 What Type of DN has to be created for SIP Server or Media Server integration using MSML?
A. Trunk Group
B. Voice over IP Service
C. Routing Point
D. Communication DN
E. Voice over IP Port
F. No DN is necessary. Just the SIP Server option "msml-support=true" needs to be set
Answer: B

Genesys口コミ GE0-807番号 GE0-807リンクグローバル

NO.7 If you wish to allow recording on a call, and recording is configured for two devices on the call.
Which one of the following scenarios is possible?
A. Call recording will be started when both of the devices signal EventEstablished.
B. Call recording will be started only on the device that first signals EventEstablished.
C. Call recording will only be started when either one of the devices first signals Eventreleased.
D. Call will not be recorded
Answer: B

Genesys評判 GE0-807出題範囲 GE0-807学習資料
Reference: http://genesyslab.info/wiki/index.php/Special:Repository/80fr_depsip.pdf?id=6483fb5b-
9ea1-43a0-8aeb-f38b19fb29a7 (page 98)

NO.8 What does the parameter 'confrole=monitor' in the INVITE message sent to Media Server
indicate about this participant?
A. is a customer
B. is an agent
C. is a supervisor doing silent monitoring
D. is a supervisor doing whisper coaching
E. has to be monitored by recording
Answer: D

Genesys模擬モード GE0-807認定資格 GE0-807ソフト版 GE0-807 GE0-807

Pass4Testは最新の070-342試験問題集と高品質のM2170-659認定試験の問題と回答を提供します。Pass4TestのVCP510-DT VCEテストエンジンとC2010-509試験ガイドはあなたが一回で試験に合格するのを助けることができます。高品質のC4070-603トレーニング教材は、あなたがより迅速かつ簡単に試験に合格することを100%保証します。試験に合格して認証資格を取るのはそのような簡単なことです。


Posted by pass4test at 12:25Comments(0)Genesys


Genesys GE0-806認定試験に対する最も優秀な参考書

Exam Study Guide
Genesys Certified Professional 8 System Consultant, Genesys Workforce Management (GCP8 - CWFM)
806GCP8-CWFM 1 Last updated 22 August 2013
Product Supported: This exam supports Genesys Workforce Management (WFM) software version 8.
Candidates using an earlier version of WFM are advised to contact their local Genesys Training Center before registering for this exam.
Type of Exam:Multiple choice and multiple select questions
Certification Level:Professional level
Length:80 questions (80 points possible)
Passing Score:70% correct (56 points = 70%)
Exam Language:English-only
GE0-806: The exam is timed for 100 minutes.
GE0-806e: The exam is timed for 120 minutes for non-English speaking candidates

Exam Location:Kryterion online or exam testing centers worldwide
Genesys certification exams can be taken on your own online or scheduled at one of 750 Kryterion test centers worldwide, providing you with two convenient means of getting certified at your own time and location.
IMPORTANT: If you are taking the exam online, please download and read the proctored online exam setup and requirements.

Exam Price:Check with Genesys University Training Registration for current price information. Prices may vary depending on country where exam will be delivered. You will need to obtain an exam voucher code which will be used during the payment process. Check if your company has prepaid your exam fees or if your company qualifies for exam discounts.



みなさんにPass4Testを選ぶのはより安心させるためにPass4Testは部分のGenesys GE0-806「Genesys Certified Professional 8 System Consultant, Genesys Workforce Management (GCP8 - CWFM)」試験材料がネットで提供して、君が無料でダウンロードすることができます。安心に弊社の商品を選ぶとともに貴重な時間とエネルギーを節約することができる。Pass4Testは真実のGenesys GE0-806認証試験の問題集が100%で君の試験の合格を保証します。君の明るい将来を祈っています。

Pass4Testの問題集はIT専門家がGenesysのGE0-806「Genesys Certified Professional 8 System Consultant, Genesys Workforce Management (GCP8 - CWFM)」認証試験について自分の知識と経験を利用して研究したものでございます。Pass4Testの問題集は真実試験の問題にとても似ていて、弊社のチームは自分の商品が自信を持っています。Pass4Testが提供した商品をご利用してください。もし失敗したら、全額で返金を保証いたします。



試験科目:「Genesys Certified Professional 8 System Consultant, Genesys Workforce Management (GCP8 - CWFM)」
問題と解答:全85問 GE0-806 受験料



NO.1 Which of the following automatically synchronizes configuration data, collects historical data,
and provides real-time agent-adherence information to users of WFM web for Supervisors?
A. WFM Server
B. WFM Data Aggregator
C. WFM Builder .
D. WFM Synchroserver
Answer: B

Genesys短期 GE0-806ワークスペース GE0-806

NO.2 Which WFM Server can be set up to act as a Locator?
A. WFM Server
B. Only the Primary WFM server
C. Only the Master WFM server
D. Only the Back up WFM Server
Answer: D

Genesys認定資格 GE0-806 GE0-806おすすめ GE0-806認証試験 GE0-806教科書

NO.3 Alerts in the Performance module are notifications that occur when pre-configured thresholds
are reached. How is the notification performed?
A. Through Email
B. Through a Configurable Event
C. By displaying the word "ALERT" with no audible signal
D. By displaying the word "ALERT' with audible signal
E. Through audible signal only
Answer: D

Genesys GE0-806評判 GE0-806訓練 GE0-806学習教材

NO.4 What does "in Review" signify when performing Agent trading?
A. The proposal is being reviewed by the proposing Agent before it is sent to the second Agent.
B. The proposal has been sent by the proposing Agent. The second Agent is reviewing prior to
C. Both Agents have confirmed the trade proposal, but the trade is waiting for approval from the
D. This is during a community proposal when an Agent issues a proposal and is waiting for any other
Agent to respond.
Answer: A

Genesys GE0-806フリーク GE0-806テスト GE0-806

NO.5 In the WFM Web Supervisor, what must be used to accommodate building schedules for longer
than 6 weeks?
A. Set the end date to the date you desire that is 6 weeks or higher from the start date
B. Set the extended end date to a date you desire that is 6 weeks or higher from the start date
C. In One WFM Server application object, set the option "Schedule Duration" to a value greater than
D. One cannot build schedules greater than 6 weeks in length
Answer: C

Genesys試験 GE0-806専門知識 GE0-806コマンド GE0-806試験過去問 GE0-806模試エンジン GE0-806勉強法

NO.6 Which of the following WFM reports is designed to show the total amount of time an agent,
team or site has spent in various states?
A. Schedule States Report
B. Activity weekly Schedule Report
C. Schedule Summary Report
D. Schedule State Totals Report
Answer: B

Genesysソフトウエア GE0-806 GE0-806 GE0-806教本 GE0-806番号

NO.7 Which of the fallowing can be configured to send (through a customer-supplied SMTP server) E-
mail notifications to agents and supervisors?
B. WFM MailServer
C. WFM Builder
D. WFM Daemon
Answer: C

Genesysコマンド GE0-806 GE0-806教育 GE0-806英語版

NO.8 At what point can an Agent see his own schedule through WFM web Agent?
A. Once the schedule is published
B. Once the configuration, policy and Calendar are configured
C. Once the forecast is published and the Agent runs the Scheduler
D. Once the Supervisor runs the scheduler
Answer: A

Genesys認定 GE0-806 GE0-806合格点 GE0-806勉強方法

Pass4Testは最新のC_TSCM62_65試験問題集と高品質のEX0-006認定試験の問題と回答を提供します。Pass4TestのC_TFIN52_66 VCEテストエンジンとCUR-011試験ガイドはあなたが一回で試験に合格するのを助けることができます。高品質の646-206トレーニング教材は、あなたがより迅速かつ簡単に試験に合格することを100%保証します。試験に合格して認証資格を取るのはそのような簡単なことです。


Posted by pass4test at 12:03Comments(0)Genesys


Genesys GE0-803認定試験に合格できる参考書を紹介

Pass4TestにIT業界のエリートのグループがあって、彼達は自分の経験と専門知識を使ってGenesys GE0-803認証試験に参加する方に対して問題集を研究続けています。



試験科目:「Genesys Certified Professional 8 System Consultant, Voice Platform (GCP8 - CVP)」
問題と解答:全122問 GE0-803 ファンデーション




NO.1 There is a three-part hierarchy regarding tenancy:Resellers/customers/IVR Profiles. In a
singletenant installation, the default configuration is Reseller=GVPOwner, Customer=AdminTrue or
Answer: A

Genesys参考書勉強 GE0-803復習問題集 GE0-803ソフト版 GE0-803 GE0-803学習

NO.2 Refering to the I-ServerXML log entry, what is the "CalledNum"?
A. The ANI that was called
B. The DNIS of the call
C. The Dialogic port the call landed on
D. The web server port the call landed on
Answer: C

Genesys受験 GE0-803資格取得講座 GE0-803試験時間

NO.3 Which of the following MRCP speech vendors does GVP support?
A. IBM Websphere Voice Server (WVS)
B. Asterisk
C. Microsoft
D. Linux
Answer: A

Genesys GE0-803エンジン GE0-803受験生 GE0-803 GE0-803復習資料

NO.4 The Voice Application Reporter (VAR) requires __________.
A. A client installed on the VCS
B. An application to reside on the VAR Server
C. A Microsoft SQL Server
D. An abandoned threshold to be set up in the Application Profile in the EMPS
Answer: C

Genesys受験記 GE0-803知識 GE0-803模擬練習 GE0-803教科書

NO.5 Which of the following third-party products must be installed on any host where EMPS will be
accessed via a browser?
A. Java SDK
B. MS XML Parser
C. Java Runtime Environment (JRE)
D. SQL Client Libraries
Answer: C

Genesys専門知識 GE0-803 GE0-803問題 GE0-803ブロンズ教材 GE0-803

NO.6 Is it necessary to declare and configure IVR-TServer in CME when the IVR is in a Behind
configuration? Choose the best statement.
A. It is not necessary to declare it in CME
B. It must be declared to configure the IVR Server options (gli_server_group_1, IServer et
C. It must be declared because it is a part of IVR Server. But it have not to be configured
Answer: B

Genesys資格取得講座 GE0-803 GE0-803クエリ GE0-803学習資料

NO.7 Based on the Popgateway1.log shown, what is the logging level?
A. Debug
B. Error
C. Warning
D. Custom
Answer: A

Genesys認定 GE0-803教科書 GE0-803 GE0-803勉強法 GE0-803復習問題集

NO.8 In most deployment options, the IVR Server Client or Genesys Queue Adapater (GQA) resides
on the __________.
A. IP Communications Server
B. Element Management Provisioning System
C. Web Server
D. Configuration Server
Answer: A

Genesys難易度 GE0-803ガイド GE0-803教育 GE0-803ワークスペース GE0-803赤本

Pass4Testは最新の1z0-559試験問題集と高品質の70-483認定試験の問題と回答を提供します。Pass4Testの1z0-465 VCEテストエンジンとHP2-B104試験ガイドはあなたが一回で試験に合格するのを助けることができます。高品質の600-199トレーニング教材は、あなたがより迅速かつ簡単に試験に合格することを100%保証します。試験に合格して認証資格を取るのはそのような簡単なことです。


Posted by pass4test at 12:02Comments(0)Genesys


Genesys GE0-803認定試験の最高の問題集の一部を無料で捧げる




試験科目:「Genesys Certified Professional 8 System Consultant, Voice Platform (GCP8 - CVP)」
問題と解答:全85問 GE0-803 関連資料




NO.1 You are configuring an Event, in building a forecast for a particular period, which of the
following should you select to ignore volume and AHT?
A. Attribute Property
B. Disregard Historical Data
C. Overlap Template
D. Activity
Answer: D

Genesys一発合格 GE0-803知識 GE0-803資格取得

NO.2 Which of the following access rights can be configured in WFM Configuration utility? Choose 4
A. Access to Agent Groups
B. Access to Teams
C. Agent access to WFM Web for Agents
D. Access to WFM reports
E. Access to Master Schedule
F. Publish Forecast
Answer: A,C,D,F

Genesys GE0-803独学 GE0-803問題と解答 GE0-803内容

NO.3 Which of the fallowing can be configured to send (through a customer-supplied SMTP server) E-
mail notifications to agents and supervisors?
B. WFM MailServer
C. WFMBuilder
D. WFMDaemon
Answer: C

Genesys GE0-803試験スクール GE0-803おすすめ
Reference: http://docs.genesys.com/Documentation/WM/latest/Admin/Components

NO.4 Which statement is correct?
A. A site in WFM always corresponds to a Switch in Genesys Administrator.
B. A site is always apart of Business Unit.
Answer: A

Genesys初心者 GE0-803勉強法 GE0-803体験

NO.5 Which of the following interfaces can be localized without any programming knowledge?
Choose 2 answers
A. WFMDatabase Utility
B. WFM Configuration Utility
C. WFM Web for Agents
D. WFM Web for Supervisors
Answer: B,D

Genesysワークスペース GE0-803入門 GE0-803復習問題集

NO.6 Which statements are correct? Choose 2 answers
A. It is possible to use a Meeting scheduler after a schedule has been published.
B. It is possible to create a schedule without a published forecast.
C. Once a schedule is published there it is no longer possible to change it.
D. It is possible to remove single schedule Items from a schedule like Breaks, Trainings, etc., but it is
not possible to remove multiple items at atimee.g. Meeting from all team members.
Answer: B,D

Genesys対応 GE0-803認証試験 GE0-803改訂

NO.7 Using which application can you backup the WFM Database?
A. Genesys Administrator
B. WFM Database Utility
C. WFM Backup Utility
D. WFM Configuration Utility
E. WFM Web
Answer: E

Genesys通信 GE0-803 GE0-803模擬 GE0-803

NO.8 Is it possible to configure breaks as mandatory elements of a shift?
A. Yes, for any break
B. Yes, for paid breaks only
C. No
D. This depends on other configuration constraints
Answer: C

Genesys指導 GE0-803 GE0-803受験記 試験番号 GE0-803 GE0-803研修 GE0-803教材

Pass4Testは最新の74-325試験問題集と高品質のM2020-229認定試験の問題と回答を提供します。Pass4Testの3I0-013 VCEテストエンジンと2D00056A試験ガイドはあなたが一回で試験に合格するのを助けることができます。高品質の200-001トレーニング教材は、あなたがより迅速かつ簡単に試験に合格することを100%保証します。試験に合格して認証資格を取るのはそのような簡単なことです。


Posted by pass4test at 11:16Comments(0)Genesys